How do I invite my friends to join my team?
During the registration process: At the completion of registration there is the option to “Invite more players to your new team!”. Clicking this button will allow you to send an e-mail and message to anyone you would like to add to your team. Simply add their e-mail address into the form and invite them to join your team. They will be sent an email with a link to join your team.
After you’ve registered: Simply log into your account and scroll down to the league you would like to invite friends to. Next to the sport under role click on Manage or Add Players. To invite new players click on Roster. Toggle over Invite and then click Invite Players to add their e-mail address into the form and invite them to join your team.
What happens if I don't have a full team? Can I still sign up?
Are there any additional fees?
How do I find out if my game is cancelled?
What if I know I’m going to have to miss a game or two during the season, can I still participate?
If a teammate can't make it one week can you have a substitute?
How can I become a sponsor?
Do you provide refunds?
For leagues that allow you to place a deposit, the deposit is non-refundable, but the remaining amount is refundable up to two weeks prior to the start of the league.
Events: Each event may be slightly different. However, the deposit is non-refundable, 60% will be refunded 45 days prior to the event, and 50% 44 to 16 days prior to the event, you will not received a refund within 15 days of the event.