Baggin’ for the Communities

Cornhole Tournament

It’s time to put your cornhole skills to the the test!



  • Saturday: October 3rd
  • Check-in will start at 10:30am – Tournament will be played between 11:30 and 3:30


Clark Memorial Field
210 Elm Street
Old Saybrook, CT 06475


  • Teams of 2
  • Each team will play at least 2 games
  • Must be 21 or older to play
  • All proceeds will be donated to various community groups, including New London Youth Sports and the Old Saybrook Firehouse


  • Each team will play in at least 2 games in the double elimination tournament
  • Each team will receive two drink and meal tickets (1 per person)
  • Tournament Prize – Cash prize for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
  • Music will be going throughout the day.
  • Raffle prizes and 50/50 raffle.
  • Additional food and beverages will be available for purchase


  • Team Captain: The Captain may register and pay for the team, or may split the fee with their teammate
  • Team Player: If captain splits the fee, you will need to go online a register as a team member


  • Includes: Chance to win cash prize and two drink and meal tickets per team
  • Registration Fee: $50 per team – by September 27th
  • Late Registration Fee: $60 per team October 2nd
  • Day of Registration Fee: $70 per team